Scripture Focus: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” —1 Thessalonians 5:18

I didn’t recognize my friend. He has changed significantly since I last saw him a year ago. I learned that he suffered three light strokes in the past year that have primarily effected his central vision and his mobility. In telling me about his experience only after I inquired about his condition, he said, “I am blessed to work for a company that has continued me on full pay until I reach retirement age later this month. I may be unable to drive my car, but I can still mow my lawn. God is good to me.”

He kept his walking cane beside him. He moved among the crowd slowly but with assurance. He was quieter than I remembered. He added, “I had decided not to talk about this unless someone asked me. Other people have troubles of their own.” He is not bitter nor has he allowed his ordeal to make him angry. The first words he said to me were, “I am blessed.” On the other hand no one would mistake him for a Pollyanna. He takes life as it unfolds. Rather than concentrating on what he has lost, he counts his many blessings. He is thankful for what he can do.

The Apostle Paul reminds us to be thankful in all circumstances not for the circumstances. When we are overcome with our own problems and feel that life has dealt unfairly with us, all we need do to regain our perspective is to take a look around us at the sufferings of others. My friend is thankful for what he is still able to do. He praises God for his goodness to him.

Prayer Focus: Dear God, never let me forget that you are in charge. Let me take a lesson from my friend and praise you in all circumstances. Amen.