My ambition for the New Year is to change the world and with your help we can do it. Think about that. We can change the world. June I, 2011 is Say Something Nice Day. All we need to do is to get everyone we know and everyone we are connected to on the Internet to say something nice on that one day. Say something nice to everyone you meet on that one day. Enlist at least three other people/
When I first mentioned the idea to change the world, my 15 year old grandson, Colin, who is more computer savvy than I will ever be said without hesitation, “I will help you granddaddy.” Can you imagine the impact if other teenagers would join in? Thank you, Colin for the encouragement. Let’s get all the young people to text something nice
It can be done. All that is required is for us to watch our language. Don’t say anything ugly for one day. If you belong to a church, persuade the congregation to join in Say Something Nice Sunday on June 5. Imagine we have two opportunities in the same week to change the rhetoric. This is not a sales gimmick. No one is trying to sell you anything. It is not a political movement. It is a change the poisonous atmosphere movement. We can have constructive civil dialogue.
Believe it or not. Some people spend an entire year at work without ever hearing a kind word. Some people seldom if ever receive a compliment. Don’t let that happen. You supply the missing compliment, but be sincere. You may feel awkward at first. Try it anyway. It will get easier. Forget the put-down for just one day. Lift someone’s spirits.
It is an ambitious project. Think about how good you will feel when we have an entire day of positive speech. Join the movement. Send me an E-mail at