Dear Family and Friends,

As you know our lives have changed over the last few years. I thought that our traveling days were over; however, we weren’t ready to give in so easily. In 2016 and 17, we went to the grand celebration on the 4th. Of July to be with my sister’s family in Lincolnton, NC. For years I have wanted to attend the Christian Writer’s Conference at Green Lake, Wisconsin. Thanks to the help of our helper and friend Jan we took the plunge. We flew to Milwaukee and rented a car. The center is on the lake. We had a wonderful time, learned a lot, and made new friends.

This year we ventured out west to North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Monuments were all that I expected. Devil’s Tower and The Badlands added to our excitement. Jan again did all the driving. Thanks to daughter, Suzanne, we had a wonderful hotel in Spearfish. Spearfish Canyon is spectacular. This trip and the trip to Green Lake were simply great gifts of joy.

Each Friday Ann Cheek comes to play the piano and sing with Carol. On the last two Mondays in each month, we go to hear the Joy Singers from First Baptist Church sing at one of the long term care facilities. I continue with my Monday lunches with the preacher boys. I continue at First Baptist. Jan and Carol often attend Stono Baptist were they have made good friends. The service is far more informal which works out well for them.

Say Something Nice Day and Say Something Nice Sunday continue to gain momentum. They are more needed now than when we started. and have been very supportive. I continue to eat with the Wednesday night gang. We have been doing this for over thirty years.

We are grateful when Suzanne makes it down from Nashville. Her son Christopher has been on a ship in Bahrain to fulfill his Navy Reserve obligation. Christina, Nancy and Michael’s daughter, continues at the day care center and their son, Colin, continues at Publix. Our friends Marvin and Kathy Cann come down from Spartanburg once or twice a year. Marvin was my roommate at Furman. We are unhappy about losing the wonderful help from Brandy Brown, but she is needed at home. Cassie Shokes, daughter of our friend Clyde has stepped into the post. Carol’s doctors are pleased with where she is with her Alzheimer’s disease and I am grateful to them. Our friend, Gene Plyler, is a great source of help. Will Wilcox, Liz’s cousin, came from Seattle for a visit. Unfortunately Kay, his wife, could not make the trip. My good friend, Gayland Poole an Episcopal priest in Texas, died this year. Joe Gilliland moved to Birmingham to be closer to his son. My sister, Jean, and Bunky spent Christmas with us. What fun! My boyhood friend, Ansel McGill, and wife Susie called Christmas night. Ansel suffered a severe stroke, but he still has that wonderful deep voice. The call made my Christmas. We are thankful for all of you. We know how blessed we are to have each of you in our lives. We are concerned with the turn our nation has taken away from a, “Kinder gentler society,” but we can each do our part to help restore decency to our national life. May God bless you and your family in the New Year!

Carol and Mitch