David Moulton has put my book, Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter at Work 2nd. Edition, on Amazon. You can also read the first ten pages at www.livinoak.com. Dave has his own publishing company. In addition to being a world renowned bike builder, he is also a writer and song writer. He heads up our West Ashley Writer’s Group that meets at Barnes and Noble on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

Dave designed the cover of my book. He has talent running out his ears. Mary Ogden Fersner helped with the proof reading. She is a terrific writer and reviewer of rock music. William Kelly Welch is another talented writer in the group. He has a wry sense of humor. Check out his book, Pink Cigarette. Faith Stanley writers delightful children’s books about her dog, Riley.

Everyone needs encouragement from time to time. If you are a writer or even a want to be writer, check us out. Maybe you will be lucky enough to be there when Dave plays and sings one of his songs.