Posts Tagged body

10 Metaphors for Body and Soul – Candice Kumai

American lifestyle coach Candice Kumai, who has Japanese heritage, also links kintsugi to body and spirit. Her book, Kintsugi Wellness: The Japanese Art of Nourishing Mind, Body and Spirit, shares 10 metaphors to consider for the new year:

Admire imperfection,

Live with great resilience,

Nourish your body,

Learn to take care,

Always do your best,

Continuously improve,

Accept what cannot be helped, c

Care for your inner circle,

Cultivate sincere gratitude,

Be of service to others,

Welcoming gifts.

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Fifty-two Keys for Living, Loving and Working

Stop Talking – Listen actively

Listening is much more than the absence of talking. Because you are not talking does not mean that you are listening. You must make a conscious decision to listen. Listen with your entire body including your eyes.  Listening is a skill. Develop it. It will serve you well. Many of us have developed the talent to look as if we are listening when in reality our minds are some place other than concentrating on the present. Stay with the speaker, the music. Experience the sensation that truly listening brings. Jesus said, “Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.” There is no way to remember what you did not listen to when it was first presented. A taxi driver in New York City said, “I am not as smart as people think I am. I have learned to be an intellectual thief. I have learned to listen to everyone.” He has discovered one of the great secrets to a successful, fulfilling life. Follow his example.

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Rest – Key 42

            The body and mind need quiet time. The body needs rest. The need for rest has been recognized since the beginning of time. Realize that there is a time to rest. Even the finest machine cannot perform at maximum output indefinitely. You are no exception. Rest your mind and your body. Turn off everything that makes noise. Sit and enjoy the quiet. We live hectic lives. We need time to pull away even if it is for just a few minutes. You will be amazed at the results. Quiet time is a gift you give yourself. It delivers both inspiration and healing. It helps us center ourselves. It renews our energy for what comes next.

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