Posts Tagged challange

Civility Challanges

Civility Challenge One

For the next 30 days I will say something nice, uplifting or encouraging to at least one person every day. I understand that comments that involve physical appearance are off limits for this exercise. I will keep a record for each day that notes whether or not I kept the pledge and of any specific reactions directed related to the exercise.

Name:                                                                         Date: 

Civility Challenge Two

I pledge that during the next 30 days I will refrain from saying anything ugly, demeaning or derogatory to anyone in my workplace. If I need to offer correction, I will do it in a respectful manner. I will keep a record for each day that notes whether or not I kept the pledge and any reactions directly related to the exercise.

Name:                                                                                          Date:

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Thankful Thursday – Dr. Molly Marshall

            Today I am thankful for Dr. Molly Marshall, president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. I came to know Dr. Marshall through the John Hamrick Lectureship at First Baptist Church of Charleston, the Chautauqua Institution and through her writings. She is a gifted, hard working, warm person who lives her theology day by day. In her distinguished career she has returned good for evil and has soared in the process. She has spoken twice at the Hamrick Lectures and is very popular with the congregation. I find her to be amazingly humble and amazingly spiritually challenging at the same time. She has caused me to constantly challenge myself to examine my spiritual life and what that means to my daily walk with God and with my fellow man. She is one of those rare people who can call out the best in people. Both Carol and I are blessed that this wonderful servant leader has come into our lives. Her writings about the death of her doctor husband, Douglas on Pentecost Sunday, are beautiful and inspiring. If you are not familiar with her, you want to sign up for her blog, Trinitarian Soundings.  As you know I believe that the people who come into our lives are gifts from God. On this Thankful Thursday I am thankful that God brought Molly Marshall into our lives.

            Thankful Thursday is a day set aside to recognize someone who is important in your life. Let her or him know of your gratitude. You will be glad that you did. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter.

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Challange UK Reports on Say Something Nice Sunday

            The Challenge, the oldest evangelical non-denominational newspaper in the UK, says that churches all across the UK were celebrating Say Something Nice Sunday on the first Sunday in June. The article is in their on-line edition. This is a very promising development. The celebration was first mentioned when the Baptist Times of the UK invited churches to participate. We want all churches everywhere to join us. Help us promote this celebration of Christian communication. If you have contacts with churches of any denomination anywhere, use your influence to enlist them. There is nothing to join and nothing to buy.

            Bishop Guglielmone of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston is especially concerned with the effect all of the mean rhetoric is having on children. We would like for parent groups and youth groups to join us. Teenagers could form networks by texting their friends. We can turn the atmosphere of mean speech around, but it will take all of us. Remember to let your communication be filled with grace.

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