Did you receive a compliment at work today? What about positive reinforcement or constructive feedback? Neither did most of the people you know. Day in and day out the great majority go to work and come home from work without hearing anyone say, “I’m glad you were here today. You really make a difference.”
What about your family? Did they say anything positive to you today? Did you say anything uplifting to your spouse or children today? “I missed you. I’m proud of you. You did a great job on that algebra test. Your room looks great.”
Yesterday was Sunday. What did you say to your priest, minister, or rabbi on Saturday? Did you say something encouraging to the person sitting next to you or in front or behind you? Did you thank any member of the choir, the organist, pianist, guitarist or soloist? Did you greet anyone or smile at anyone?
What simple things these are! They require very little time and no money. Do you know anyone who doesn’t need encouragement? Neither do I. Why do we withhold these simple gestures? We can change this pattern. It will take each of us, but we can do it.