Posts Tagged polite

168 Ways To Communicate Better Now Plus Two – 37 – 38 – 39

 37. Be passionate.

Run! Don’t walk.

Give it your all.

Immerse yourself.  

38. Be patient.

Haste makes waste.

Time is on your side.

The victory is not always to the swiftest. 

 38. Be polite.

There is never a cause for rudeness.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

It’s disarming.

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168 Ways To Communicate Better Now -36 – 37 – 38

36. Be passionate.

Run! Don’t walk.

Give it your all.

Immerse yourself.  

37. Be patient.

Haste makes waste.

Time is on your side.

The victory is not always to the swiftest. 

 38. Be polite.

There is never a cause for rudeness.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

It’s disarming.

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Be Polite – Key 17

Be polite

            Always say “please” and “thank you.” Rudeness is never appropriate. When you are tempted to be rude, think of your mother. Would she approve of what you are about to say or do? Even in those situations where others make it difficult to remain pleasant remember who you are. Do not give over control of your life to someone else. Remember that you are in charge of you.

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