Posts Tagged soul

10 Metaphors for Body and Soul – Candice Kumai

American lifestyle coach Candice Kumai, who has Japanese heritage, also links kintsugi to body and spirit. Her book, Kintsugi Wellness: The Japanese Art of Nourishing Mind, Body and Spirit, shares 10 metaphors to consider for the new year:

Admire imperfection,

Live with great resilience,

Nourish your body,

Learn to take care,

Always do your best,

Continuously improve,

Accept what cannot be helped, c

Care for your inner circle,

Cultivate sincere gratitude,

Be of service to others,

Welcoming gifts.

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Fifty-Two Keys for Living, Loving and Working


Find a quiet spot where you can be alone. Clear you mind and mediate for a few minutes. This will take some practice. It will refresh you. Repeat often. All of us need to spend quiet time alone. There is no formula that works for everyone. Each of us must map out what works best for us. It is a personal matter. The only mistake is to think that we do not need it. We can get along without it, but our lives are richer when we make room for it in our lives. You don’t need to buy anything or subscribe to a particular philosophy or religion. Simply be still and know. It will take time and patience to clear your mind and to stop your brain from rushing. My speech professor at Furman University, Sara Lowrey, often quoted, “What a dull world this would be – bleak and bare, if there were no time just to sit and stare.” Dr. Ollie Backus , my professor at the University of Alabama, got up an hour early each day just to have quiet time. Some churches incorporate a period of silence into their services. Noise is an enemy to the soul.

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Thankful Thursday – Dr. Molly Marshall

            Today I am thankful for Dr. Molly Marshall, president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. I came to know Dr. Marshall through the John Hamrick Lectureship at First Baptist Church of Charleston, the Chautauqua Institution and through her writings. She is a gifted, hard working, warm person who lives her theology day by day. In her distinguished career she has returned good for evil and has soared in the process. She has spoken twice at the Hamrick Lectures and is very popular with the congregation. I find her to be amazingly humble and amazingly spiritually challenging at the same time. She has caused me to constantly challenge myself to examine my spiritual life and what that means to my daily walk with God and with my fellow man. She is one of those rare people who can call out the best in people. Both Carol and I are blessed that this wonderful servant leader has come into our lives. Her writings about the death of her doctor husband, Douglas on Pentecost Sunday, are beautiful and inspiring. If you are not familiar with her, you want to sign up for her blog, Trinitarian Soundings.  As you know I believe that the people who come into our lives are gifts from God. On this Thankful Thursday I am thankful that God brought Molly Marshall into our lives.

            Thankful Thursday is a day set aside to recognize someone who is important in your life. Let her or him know of your gratitude. You will be glad that you did. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter.

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