Posts Tagged thoughtful

Something to Celebrate

Whatever your traditions for the Christmas season may be, they are probably on hold for this year. There will be no midnight Christmas Eve service for me. My sister and brother-in-law probably will not be able to come and my daughter will remain in Tennessee. I cannot say that I am filled with my usual Christmas spirit. I am grateful for my family and friends. My children have really been a constant help this year. I have so much for which to be thankful.

I think that we can best celebrate Christmas and the year ahead by being the best of ourselves we can be and by making life brighter for others. A woman in Virginia celebrated her 53rd. birthday by doing 53 acts of kindness. She has the right idea. What are those things we can do to make life a little better for someone else? These need not be expensive things. I can’t leave a $!,000 tip for a server, but I can leave a little more than usual. I can call someone who lives alone or has no nearby relatives. I can be more thoughtful toward those I meet as I go about my daily or weekly routines. I can listen more and talk less. We may have voted differently in the recent election, but we can be more respectful of one another.

If we all are a little more thoughtful and a little less abrasive, we can turn the tide on incivility. That will be something to celebrate.

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A Cup of Cold Water* – Week One Devotional for Say Something Nice Sunday

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42 (NIV)

There is a member of our congregation who calls me regularly to share a great quotation or an especially meaningful devotional. She has taken the time to do this for years. She knows that I collect quotations. It is always a welcome call and seems to come just when I need it most.

Another church member calls almost every day to see how our day has gone and to see if we need anything. What a blessing. A third member calls just to inquire how things are going. We share our stories with one another because we are dealing with very similar circumstances and our calls strengthen one another.

The wife of a close friend is a fantastic baker. Two or three times a month her husband will bring us a loaf of her home baked bread or cinnamon rolls. Not only do these fill our kitchen with a heavenly aroma, but her thoughtfulness fills our hearts with gratitude. Of course, she has removed the calories.

These are blessing freely given and I am grateful for these expressions of Christian love, thoughtfulness and caring. I have chosen gratitude as my theme for the year. I held it over from last year. It reminds me that we are not alone and that we accomplish absolutely nothing without the help and support of others. I am convinced that God brings people into our lives when we most need them. They are gifts.

There is a wonderful Catholic/Episcopal benediction that says, “We leave as the church to go with love to serve God and one another.” It is a great reminder that we do not leave church, we leave as the church to love and to serve.


Dear God, thank you for Christian friends who share your love with those around them. Help me to be grateful and to follow their examples. Amen

*These were published as an insert in the First Baptist Church of Charleston Builder June 4, 2017.

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Twelve Days of Christmas – Follow Through- Three

My third of the extended Twelve Days of Christmas came on February 17th which is the date I have chosen for each month because it is my wife’s birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. I am happy to report that I did follow through and it does feel good.

I have marked my 2015 calendar for each of the twelve months as a way of extending the wonderful spirit of Christmas throughout the entire year. My hope is that others will join in the spirit and make it a wonderful time for all of us. It does not need to be a grand gesture. Just make it something simple. Something you will do.

On March 15, I met a lady in the Honey Baked Ham Store who knows how to spread joy. She was buying ham to take to a family whose mother is in the hospital. She took the time to share some ideas with me and my friend Bob. When I thanked her for her helpfulness, she responded. “Isn’t that what life is all about, helping each other?” Wow!

I am writing this as a part of my accountability to myself to remind me to follow through. Please join me as we go through the year. It takes so little to brighten another person’s day.

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Random Acts of Kindness – 73

There is someone who needs to experience your thoughtfulness.  Share your thoughtfulness with her or him today. You will be glad that you did.

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