On this Thankful Thursday, I am very thankful for Dr. Marvin Cann. Marvin and I have been friends from the moment we met more than fifty years ago at Furman University. Since that day when God decided that I needed a special friend in my life, our lives have been bound together. Marvin is the kind of friend I needed – calm, level headed, intelligent, rock solid and real. There is no pretense in Marvin, a gifted scholar and teacher with a great sense of humor. How he persuaded Kathy to marry him testifies to his inordinate gift of persuasion. When we get together all the years just seems to roll away and we are deep in conversation. I have long admired his keen intellect and his ability to discern what was taking place in any situation. He wrote the most interesting Ph. D. dissertation I have ever read including my own. He researched and wrote about Burnett Maybank when he was the major of Charleston. Carol and I always look forward to Marvin and Kathy’s annual trip to Kiawah. On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for the gift of Marvin Cann in my life.

            Thankful Thursday is set aside to recognize the gifts that a special person brings to your life. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Let him or her know how important he or she is to you. You will be glad that you did.