On this Thankful Thursday, I am grateful for the gifts that Dr. Timothy George brings to my life. Not only is he a gifted scholar and an outstanding presenter, but he is an inspiration to know. I first met him when he presented at the Hamrick Lectures in 2009 and was touched by his deep humility. He came back to deliver the annual French Sermon at the Huguenot Church of Charleston and our friendship grew. His lectures at the Hamrick Lectureship this year were truly outstanding. As much as I am impressed with Timothy George the scholar/theologian, I am impressed with Timothy George the man. He represents the character of our lecture program. I am grateful for the contributions he makes to my life. He is the dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.
Thankful Thursday is a day set apart to recognize the contributions of someone to our lives and to let her or him know of our gratitude. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter. You will be glad that you did.