On this Thankful Thursday I am thankful for my daughter-in-law, Nancy Carnell. She will have a birthday on Saturday. Nancy and Michael have been married for almost twenty-five years, but I have known her longer than that. She was a constant at our house long before they were married. Liz, my late wife and Michael’s mother, referred to them as the puppies. Nancy is the mother of my outstanding grandchildren, Christina and Colin. She and Michael are wonderful parents. She is also a sharp business person now working as a supervisor at Wal-Mart. Before that she explored the world of E-bay as an independent entrepreneur. Nancy grew up on the Citadel campus where her father was head of the Biology Department. Her mother taught at First Baptist High School, where Nancy graduated, and later at Summerville High. Nancy loves Edisto and spends as much time there as possible. Tina and Colin swim like fish. Nancy and Michael lived in Savannah and then Atlanta, but neither were content away from the Holy City. Nancy enjoys the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition every year. Her favorite event is the Dock Dogs. On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for Nancy Carnell. Call her up and wish her a happy birthday.

Thankful Thursday is a day set aside to recognize someone who is important to your life. Let him or her know of your gratitude. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Say Something Nice; Be a Lifter. You will be glad that you did.