
                                            Thomas Crowl

          In a world filled with conflict it is always a blessing to see a story of those who seek to walk in the path of angels. The kind souls who act as secret santa, the good samaritan by the roadside accident, the workers at the food pantry or Habitat homesite are some of those special folks.

     The Lord is busy each day managing the affairs of our world so he enlists  many others in this special work. His honor roll is always open to more who seek to join this wondrous company. It only takes a second to sign up but the rewards are infinite.

     How many times have we walked by the needy to aquire some worthless bauble to add to our trove at home? How many moments have we squandered listening to politicians pontificate over all they will do for us if we just vote for them? How many hours in our life have we wasted on dressing up our personal appearance rather the the deeper meaning of our soul?

     Life is short, as so many have said, and with each positive contribution we are smoothing the way for others and encouraging them to join the cadre of God’s angels. In each day we see so many opportunities to share, giving up our place in line for the aged or disabled. Loading a trunk with groceries for those not able to do so. Offering a cart to someone standing behind us. The list of possibilities is endless and with each opportunity you can create a smile or a special warm feeling in the recipient.

      Many fear that there is no good left in the world and cry out to the 1% to share of their largess. A better question is what have we done this day to improve the world around us, to nurture the souls of the disadvantaged and to lead in the special work God has set before us?  The company of the Holy Spirit is a special one and a group not waiting for others to share, it looks for that opportunity to care, love and worship in a life of generosity and compassion.

     I pray that your soul may grow this day, that you will choose the special path that God has set before you and that you may know his wondrous rewards for your kindness. The path of the angels is not easy but the special blessing of God’s love walks that road each day.