Katy Couric. The Best Advice I Ever Got. New York. Random House Trade Paperbacks. ©2011

There is a reason Katie Couric’s book is a New York Times Best Sellers. It is a terrific offering. Katie asked many of the people that she has interviewed over the years to answer the question. What is the best advice you have ever received? Most of these are well known; however, many others are relatively unknown. All of the replies are well worth reading.

Jay Leno answered, “Marry your conscience.”  Michael J. Fox explains, “Be Grateful.” “Giving is living,” is the contribution from Mitch Albom. .Rosario Dawson adds, “Feast on your life.” Eric Schmidt says,   ”Say yes.” And Colin Powell contributes, “It doesn’t matter where you start.”

These are just a small sample of all the wonderful examples Katie includes. Katie contributes several entries herself. The only thing that mars the book is that the print and lack of white space makes it difficult to read. Perhaps I should have bought the hardback or the ebook. All the royalties from sales go to Scholarship America. It is a great gift for college graduates and those facing challenges.

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